Currently, cocos supports running the following algorithms:
- binary algorithms
- python scripts
- docker images
- wasm modules
Binary Algorithms
Binary algorithms are compiled to run on the enclave. The enclave is a secure environment that runs on the host machine. The enclave is created by the manager and the agent is loaded into the enclave. The agent is responsible for running the computation and communicating with the outside world.
Running Binary Algorithms
For Binary algorithms, with datatsets or without datasets the process is similar to all the other algorithms.
NOTE: Make sure you have terminated the previous computation before starting a new one.
Download Examples
Download the examples from the AI repository and follow the instructions in the README file to compile one of the examples.
git clone
Build Addition example
Make sure you have Rust installed. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.
cd ai/burn-algorithms
NOTE: Make sure you have rust installed. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.
cargo build --release --bin addition --features cocos
This will generate the binary in the target/release
folder. Copy the binary to the cocos
cp target/release/addition ../../cocos/
Start the computation server:
go run ./test/computations/main.go ./addition public.pem false
The logs will be similar to this:
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:09:28.852409931+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"manager_test_server service gRPC server listening at :7001 without TLS"}
Start the manager
sudo \
MANAGER_GRPC_URL=localhost:7001 \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_CODE_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_VARS_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd \
go run main.go
The logs will be similar to this:
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:10:00.239331599+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"-enable-kvm -machine q35 -cpu EPYC -smp 4,maxcpus=4 -m 2048M,slots=5,maxmem=30G -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd,readonly=on -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd -netdev user,id=vmnic,hostfwd=tcp::7020-:7002 -device virtio-net-pci,disable-legacy=on,iommu_platform=true,netdev=vmnic,addr=0x2,romfile= -device vhost-vsock-pci,id=vhost-vsock-pci0,guest-cid=3 -vnc :0 -kernel img/bzImage -append \"earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0\" -initrd img/rootfs.cpio.gz -nographic -monitor pty"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:10:17.798497671+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Method Run for computation took 17.438247421s to complete"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:10:17.800162858+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Agent Log/Event, Computation ID: 1, Message: agent_log:{message:\"Transition: receivingManifest -> receivingManifest\\n\" computation_id:\"1\" level:\"DEBUG\" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:796771386}}"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:10:17.800336232+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Agent Log/Event, Computation ID: 1, Message: agent_log:{message:\"Transition: receivingAlgorithm -> receivingAlgorithm\\n\" computation_id:\"1\" level:\"DEBUG\" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:797222579}}"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:10:17.80043386+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Agent Log/Event, Computation ID: 1, Message: agent_event:{event_type:\"receivingAlgorithm\" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:797263757} computation_id:\"1\" originator:\"agent\" status:\"in-progress\"}"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:10:17.8005587+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Agent Log/Event, Computation ID: 1, Message: agent_log:{message:\"agent service gRPC server listening at :7002 without TLS\" computation_id:\"1\" level:\"INFO\" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:797467753}}"}
2024/08/19 14:10:20 traces export: Post "http://localhost:4318/v1/traces": dial tcp [::1]:4318: connect: connection refused
The logs from the computation server will be similar to this:
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:09:28.852409931+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"manager_test_server service gRPC server listening at :7001 without TLS"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:10:00.354929002+03:00","level":"DEBUG","msg":"received who am on ip address [::1]:57968"}
received agent event
&{event_type:"vm-provision" timestamp:{seconds:1724065800 nanos:360232336} computation_id:"1" originator:"manager" status:"starting"}
received agent event
&{event_type:"vm-provision" timestamp:{seconds:1724065800 nanos:360990806} computation_id:"1" originator:"manager" status:"in-progress"}
received agent log
&{message:"char device redirected to /dev/pts/9 (label compat_monitor0)\n" computation_id:"1" level:"debug" timestamp:{seconds:1724065800 nanos:403232551}}
received agent log
&{message:"\x1b[2J" computation_id:"1" level:"debug" timestamp:{seconds:1724065801 nanos:103436975}}
received agent event
&{event_type:"vm-provision" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:798465068} computation_id:"1" originator:"manager" status:"complete"}
received runRes
&{agent_port:"6050" computation_id:"1"}
received agent log
&{message:"Transition: receivingManifest -> receivingManifest\n" computation_id: "1" level:"DEBUG" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:796771386}}
received agent log
&{message:"Transition: receivingAlgorithm -> receivingAlgorithm\n" computation_id:"1" level:"DEBUG" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:797222579}}
received agent event
&{event_type:"receivingAlgorithm" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:797263757} computation_id:"1" originator:"agent" status:"in-progress"}
received agent log
&{message:"agent service gRPC server listening at :7002 without TLS" computation_id:"1" level:"INFO" timestamp:{seconds:1724065817 nanos:797467753}}
Export the agent grpc url
export AGENT_GRPC_URL=localhost:6050
Upload the algorithm
./build/cocos-cli algo ./addition ./private.pem
The logs will be similar to this:
2024/08/19 14:14:10 Uploading algorithm binary: ./addition
Uploading algorithm... 100% [===============================================>]
2024/08/19 14:14:10 Successfully uploaded algorithm
Since the algorithm is a binary, we don't need to upload the requirements file. Also, this is the addition example so we don't need to upload the dataset.
Finally, download the results
./build/cocos-cli result ./private.pem
The logs will be similar to this:
2024/08/19 14:14:31 Retrieving computation result file
2024/08/19 14:14:31 Computation result retrieved and saved successfully!
Unzip the results
unzip -d results
cat results/results.txt
The output will be similar to this:
"[5.141593, 4.0, 5.0, 8.141593]"
Terminal recording session
For real-world examples to test with cocos, see our AI repository.
Running Binary Algorithms With Datasets
NOTE: Make sure you have terminated the previous computation before starting a new one.
Build Iris Prediction example
Make sure you have Rust installed. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.
cd ai/burn-algorithms
NOTE: Make sure you have rust installed. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.
cargo build --release --bin iris --features cocos
This will generate the binary in the target/release
folder. Copy the binary to the cocos
cp target/release/iris ../../cocos/
Copy the dataset to the cocos
cp iris/data/Iris.csv ../../cocos
Start the computation server:
go run ./test/computations/main.go ./iris public.pem false ./Iris.csv
The logs will be similar to this:
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:11.446590856+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"manager_test_server service gRPC server listening at :7001 without TLS"}
Start the manager
sudo \
MANAGER_GRPC_URL=localhost:7001 \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_CODE_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_VARS_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd \
go run main.go
The logs will be similar to this:
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:20.869571321+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"-enable-kvm -machine q35 -cpu EPYC -smp 4,maxcpus=4 -m 2048M,slots=5,maxmem=30G -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd,readonly=on -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd -netdev user,id=vmnic,hostfwd=tcp::7020-:7002 -device virtio-net-pci,disable-legacy=on,iommu_platform=true,netdev=vmnic,addr=0x2,romfile= -device vhost-vsock-pci,id=vhost-vsock-pci0,guest-cid=3 -vnc :0 -kernel img/bzImage -append \"earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0\" -initrd img/rootfs.cpio.gz -nographic -monitor pty"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:39.096019489+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Method Run for computation took 18.206099301s to complete"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:39.097590785+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Agent Log/Event, Computation ID: 1, Message: agent_log:{message:\"Transition: receivingManifest -> receivingManifest\\n\" computation_id:\"1\" level:\"DEBUG\" timestamp:{seconds:1724066799 nanos:94341079}}"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:39.097907318+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Agent Log/Event, Computation ID: 1, Message: agent_event:{event_type:\"receivingAlgorithm\" timestamp:{seconds:1724066799 nanos:94599012} computation_id:\"1\" originator:\"agent\" status:\"in-progress\"}"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:39.097933878+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Agent Log/Event, Computation ID: 1, Message: agent_log:{message:\"agent service gRPC server listening at :7002 without TLS\" computation_id:\"1\" level:\"INFO\" timestamp:{seconds:1724066799 nanos:94831037}}"}
2024/08/19 14:26:40 traces export: Post "http://localhost:4318/v1/traces": dial tcp [::1]:4318: connect: connection refused
The logs from the computation server will be similar to this:
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:11.446590856+03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"manager_test_server service gRPC server listening at :7001 without TLS"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T14:26:20.871605244+03:00","level":"DEBUG","msg":"received who am on ip address [::1]:47994"}
received agent event
&{event_type:"vm-provision" timestamp:{seconds:1724066780 nanos:889897585} computation_id:"1" originator:"manager" status:"starting"}
received agent event
&{event_type:"vm-provision" timestamp:{seconds:1724066780 nanos:891441319} computation_id:"1" originator:"manager" status:"in-progress"}
received agent log
&{message:"char device redirected to /dev/pts/8 (label compat_monitor0)\n" computation_id:"1" level:"debug" timestamp:{seconds:1724066780 nanos:935158505}}
received agent log
&{message:"\x1b[2" computation_id:"1" level:"debug" timestamp:{seconds:1724066781 nanos:414565103}}
received agent event
&{event_type:"vm-provision" timestamp:{seconds:1724066799 nanos:95970587} computation_id:"1" originator:"manager" status:"complete"}
received runRes
&{agent_port:"6014" computation_id:"1"}
received agent log
&{message:"Transition: receivingManifest -> receivingManifest\n" computation_id:"1" level:"DEBUG" timestamp:{seconds:1724066799 nanos:94341079}}
received agent event
&{event_type:"receivingAlgorithm" timestamp:{seconds:1724066799 nanos:94599012} computation_id:"1" originator:"agent" status:"in-progress"}
received agent log
&{message:"agent service gRPC server listening at :7002 without TLS" computation_id:"1" level:"INFO" timestamp:{seconds:1724066799 nanos:94831037}}
Export the agent grpc url
export AGENT_GRPC_URL=localhost:6014
Upload the algorithm
./build/cocos-cli algo ./iris ./private.pem
The logs will be similar to this:
2024/08/19 14:29:58 Uploading algorithm binary: ./iris
Uploading algorithm... 100% [===============================================>]
2024/08/19 14:29:58 Successfully uploaded algorithm
Upload the dataset
./build/cocos-cli data ./Iris.csv ./private.pem
2024/08/19 14:30:55 Uploading dataset CSV: ./Iris.csv
Uploading data... 100% [====================================================>]
2024/08/19 14:30:55 Successfully uploaded dataset
Finally, download the results
./build/cocos-cli result ./private.pem
The logs will be similar to this:
2024/08/19 14:31:46 Retrieving computation result file
2024/08/19 14:31:46 Computation result retrieved and saved successfully!
Unzip the results
unzip -d results
Build the iris example from the AI repository
cd ../ai/burn-algorithms/
If you haven't already, create the artifacts folder
mkdir -p artifacts/iris
Copy the results to the artifacts folder
cp -r ../../cocos/results/* artifacts/iris/
Build the iris-inference example
cargo build --release --bin iris-inference
Test the iris-inference example
./target/release/iris-inference '{"sepal_length": 7.0, "sepal_width": 3.2, "petal_length": 4.7, "petal_width": 1.4}'
The output will be similar to this:
Terminal recording session
For real-world examples to test with cocos, see our AI repository.
Python Scripts
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language. Python scripts can be run on the enclave. Python is known for its simplicity and readability, making it a popular choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.
Running Python Algorithms without Datasets
This has been covered in the previous section.
Running Python Algorithms with Datasets
For Python algorithms, with datatsets:
NOTE: Make sure you have terminated the previous computation before starting a new one.
Start the computation server:
go run ./test/computations/main.go ./test/manual/algo/ public.pem false ./test/manual/data/iris.csv
Start the manager
sudo \
MANAGER_GRPC_URL=localhost:7001 \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_CODE_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_VARS_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd \
go run main.go
Export the agent grpc url from computation server logs, by default port 6100 will be allocated. If the port is not available, a different (random) port will be allocated, within the range 6100 - 6200. The port will be indicated on the computation server logs.
export AGENT_GRPC_URL=localhost:6100
Upload the algorithm
./build/cocos-cli algo ./test/manual/algo/ ./private.pem -a python -r ./test/manual/algo/requirements.txt
We pass the requirements file to the algorithm since it has dependencies.
Upload the dataset
./build/cocos-cli data ./test/manual/data/iris.csv ./private.pem
Watch the agent logs until the computation is complete. The computation will take a while to complete since it will download the dependencies and run the algorithm.
&{event_type:"algorithm-run" timestamp:{seconds:1723411516 nanos:935138750} computation_id:"1" originator:"agent" status:"error"}
received agent event
&{event_type:"resultsReady" timestamp:{seconds:1723411517 nanos:882446542} computation_id:"1" originator:"agent" status:"in-progress"}
received agent log
&{message:"Transition: resultsReady -> resultsReady\n" computation_id:"1" level:"DEBUG" timestamp:{seconds:1723411517 nanos:882432675}}
Finally, download the results
./build/cocos-cli result ./private.pem
Unzip the results
unzip -d results
To read the results make sure you have installed the required dependencies from the requirements file. This should be done inside a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r test/manual/algo/requirements.txt
python3 test/manual/algo/ predict results/model.bin test/manual/data/
The output will be similar to this:
Precision, Recall, Confusion matrix, in training
precision recall f1-score support
Iris-setosa 1.000 1.000 1.000 21
Iris-versicolor 0.923 0.889 0.906 27
Iris-virginica 0.893 0.926 0.909 27
accuracy 0.933 75
macro avg 0.939 0.938 0.938 75
weighted avg 0.934 0.933 0.933 75
[[21 0 0]
[ 0 24 3]
[ 0 2 25]]
Precision, Recall, and Confusion matrix, in testing
precision recall f1-score support
Iris-setosa 1.000 1.000 1.000 29
Iris-versicolor 1.000 1.000 1.000 23
Iris-virginica 1.000 1.000 1.000 23
accuracy 1.000 75
macro avg 1.000 1.000 1.000 75
weighted avg 1.000 1.000 1.000 75
[[29 0 0]
[ 0 23 0]
[ 0 0 23]]
Terminal recording session
For real-world examples to test with cocos, see our AI repository.
Running Algorithms with arguments
To run an algorithm that requires command line arguments, you can append the algo command on cli with the arguments needed as shown in the addition example, which we will run with args below:
NOTE: Make sure you have terminated the previous computation before starting a new one.
Start the computation server:
go run ./test/computations/main.go ./test/manual/algo/ public.pem false
Start the manager
sudo \
MANAGER_GRPC_URL=localhost:7001 \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_CODE_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_VARS_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd \
go run main.go
Export the agent grpc url from computation server logs, by default port 6100 will be allocated. If the port is not available, a different (random) port will be allocated, within the range 6100 - 6200. The port will be indicated on the computation server logs.
export AGENT_GRPC_URL=localhost:6100
Upload the algorithm
./build/cocos-cli algo ./test/manual/algo/ ./private.pem -a python --args="--a" --args="100" --args="--b" --args="20"
The order and args of the algorithm should be as they are required by the algorithm. In the addition example, for instance, the args are set in order of how they are expected:
python3 --a 100 --b 200
Watch the agent logs until the computation is complete.
&{event_type:"algorithm-run" timestamp:{seconds:1723411516 nanos:935138750} computation_id:"1" originator:"agent" status:"error"}
received agent event
&{event_type:"resultsReady" timestamp:{seconds:1723411517 nanos:882446542} computation_id:"1" originator:"agent" status:"in-progress"}
received agent log
&{message:"Transition: resultsReady -> resultsReady\n" computation_id:"1" level:"DEBUG" timestamp:{seconds:1723411517 nanos:882432675}}
Finally, download the results
./build/cocos-cli result ./private.pem
Docker is a platform designed to build, share, and run containerized applications. A container packages the application code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and all necessary settings into a single unit. This ensures the container can be reliably transferred between different computing environments and be executed as expected.
Building The Docker Image
The Docker images that the Agent will run inside the SVM must have some restrictions. The image must have a /cocos
directory containing the datasets
and results
directories. The Agent will run this image inside the SVM and mount the datasets
and results
onto the /cocos/datasets
and /cocos/results
directories inside the image. The docker image must also contain the command that will be run when the docker container is run.
We will use the linear regression example from the cocos repository in this example.
git clone
Change directory to the linear regression example.
cd cocos/test/manual/algo/
Next, run the build command and save the docker image as a tar
file. This example Dockerfile is based of the python linear regression example using iris dataset.
docker build -t linreg .
docker save linreg > linreg.tar
Running Docker in SVM
Change the current working directory to cocos
cd ./cocos
Start the computation server:
go run ./test/computations/main.go ./test/manual/algo/linreg.tar public.pem false ./test/manual/data/iris.csv
Start the manager
cd cmd/manager
sudo \
MANAGER_GRPC_URL=localhost:7001 \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_CODE_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_VARS_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd \
go run main.go
Export the agent grpc url from computation server logs
export AGENT_GRPC_URL=localhost:6100
Upload the algorithm
./build/cocos-cli algo ./test/manual/algo/linreg.tar ./private.pem -a docker
Upload the dataset
./build/cocos-cli data ./test/manual/data/iris.csv ./private.pem
After some time when the results are ready, you can run the following command to get the results:
./build/cocos-cli results ./private.pem
The logs will be similar to this:
2024/08/19 14:14:31 Retrieving computation result file
2024/08/19 14:14:31 Computation result retrieved and saved successfully!
Unzip the results
unzip -d results
To make inference on the results, you can use the following command:
python3 test/manual/algo/ predict results/model.bin test/manual/data/
Terminal recording session
Wasm Modules
WebAssembly (wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable target for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications. Wasm modules can be run on the enclave.
Running WASM Algorithms
NOTE: Make sure you have terminated the previous computation before starting a new one.
Download WASM Examples
Download the examples from the AI repository and follow the instructions in the README file to compile one of the examples.
git clone
Build Addition WASM example
Make sure you have Rust installed. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.
cd ai/burn-algorithms/addition-inference
cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasip1 --features cocos
This will generate the wasm module in the ../target/wasm32-wasip1/release
folder. Copy the module to the cocos
cp ../target/wasm32-wasip1/release/addition-inference.wasm ../../../cocos
Start the computation server:
go run ./test/computations/main.go ./addition-inference.wasm public.pem true
Start the manager
sudo \
MANAGER_GRPC_URL=localhost:7001 \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_CODE_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd \
MANAGER_QEMU_OVMF_VARS_FILE=/usr/share/edk2/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd \
go run main.go
Export the agent grpc url from computation server logs
export AGENT_GRPC_URL=localhost:6013
Upload the algorithm
./build/cocos-cli algo ./addition-inference.wasm ./private.pem -a wasm
Since the algorithm is a wasm module, we don't need to upload the requirements file. Also, this is the addition example so we don't need to upload the dataset.
Finally, download the results
./build/cocos-cli result ./private.pem
Unzip the results
unzip -d results
cat results/results/results.txt
The output will be similar to this:
"[5.141593, 4.0, 5.0, 8.141593]"
Terminal recording session
For real-world examples to test with cocos, see our AI repository.